Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, is under formal investigation by a French judge. The inquiry centers around the alleged use of the messaging app for organized crime activities. Durov, who was detained at an airport near Paris four days ago, has been placed under judicial supervision. To avoid pretrial detention, he must pay a €5 million bail, report to the police twice a week, and remain within French territory.
Durov has been officially charged by a French court with several serious offenses. These charges include allegedly aiding in the operation of an online platform that facilitates illegal activities, such as sharing child sexual abuse images, drug trafficking, and fraud. He is also accused of withholding information from authorities, involvement in money laundering, and offering cryptographic services to criminals.
The decision to investigate Durov formally does not imply guilt, but suggests that French authorities have sufficient grounds to continue their probe. These investigations can be lengthy, potentially leading to a trial or being dismissed altogether. Durov’s case has raised questions about the role and responsibility of messaging platforms like Telegram, which has a global user base nearing 1 billion. The platform has been criticized by some governments for not doing enough to control illegal content, including hate speech and activities linked to organized crime.
Adding to the complexity, Durov is also under investigation for alleged acts of violence against one of his children. According to a report by Agence France-Presse (AFP), the French child welfare office has initiated an inquiry based on a complaint filed by the child’s mother in Switzerland last year. The complaint alleges multiple incidents of violence against the couple’s youngest son, born in 2017, who currently resides in Switzerland with his mother.
The incidents reportedly took place between 2021 and 2022, both in Switzerland and other locations, including Paris. One specific allegation details an event in November 2021 in Paris, where Durov is accused of slapping the child on the back, lifting him off the ground, and shaking him forcefully. The complaint states that these incidents have caused the child to suffer from anxiety, bed-wetting, and frequent sleep disturbances.
Although the criminal complaint filed in Switzerland does not explicitly name Durov, the mother, or their children, it contains details that align with known facts about Durov’s personal life, such as the children’s birth years, Durov’s previous residence in the United Arab Emirates, and information related to a separate civil case. The mother, who shares three children with Durov, including two boys and a girl, has been vocal about the alleged abuse. She has provided additional details to AFP, outlining a history of violent behavior that she claims Durov exhibited toward their youngest son.
This dual investigation has put Durov and Telegram under intense scrutiny, highlighting the ongoing tensions between governments and digital platforms over the regulation of online content. Telegram, known for its strong stance on privacy and freedom of expression, has often clashed with authorities over its refusal to provide access to user data. The platform’s popularity has soared in recent years, but it has also become a magnet for controversy.
The developments in Durov’s case have sparked a broader debate on the balance between free speech and legal enforcement. Critics argue that platforms like Telegram should do more to prevent their misuse for illegal activities, while supporters defend the app’s commitment to privacy and its resistance to censorship.
For now, Durov remains free on bail, but the outcome of these investigations could have significant implications for Telegram’s future and its role in the digital ecosystem. The situation underscores the complex relationship between digital freedom and legal accountability in an increasingly connected world.
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